
Developing a sustainable energy pathway for a London property company
Understand - Identifying the business benefits
Our client wanted to make their property portfolio more efficient. From the beginning we helped them understand the real business benefits of investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy. We then worked with them to set clear objectives and acheive their goals.
Deliver - Turning strategy into action
Lantern carried out an energy audit for a sample property specified by the client to benchmark where the company was against their new energy objectives. We also completed a wider evaluation of energy management across their property portfolio, and prepared a strategic briefing paper, outlining the legislative, financial and corporate business case for implementing an energy strategy. We made recommendations for short, medium and long-term action to deliver energy savings and cost reductions across the estate​.
Evaluate - Seeing beyond cost-saving
As well as showing our client how they could reduce energy costs, we demonstrated how our recommendations would lead to wider benefits, including:
improved working conditions for tenants
reputation as a responsible and high-quality landlord
well-maintained period properties
legislative compliance and being prepared for future developments in policy
a clear understanding of how to make their company more sustainable.